Tuesday 26 February 2019

weight loss juice recipe Papaya ,Apple and Dates

Weight loss benefit:

1. Papaya is packed full of vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, niacin,
potassium, riboflavin and thiamine—something you cannot say of most
fruits! It is also low in calories and full of energy boosting compounds
that make it perfect for a breakfast that will start your day off.

2. With just 23 calories in a single date, the fruit is very low and caloric
content. It also has none of the cholesterol and saturated fat that are a
bane to dieters. Aside from that, dates are also full of fibers and have
more than 20 different amino acids that aid in digestion and help the
body absorb carbohydrates easier and manage blood sugar levels.

Papaya ,Apple and  Dates

Yield: 1 glass


1 small papaya
1 whole red apple
5 whole pitted dates


1. Wash, skin and remove the seeds of the papaya. Cut into 2-inch slices.
2. Wash and core pineapples. Slice into wedges.
3. Put all ingredients in a juicer or blender until a smooth juice is produced.
4. Drink chilled or over ice cubes.


Add a teaspoon of finely chopped mint leaves to juice before drinking to
add a burst of color in your juice and to make it more refreshing.
Dilute the juice with ¼ cup lime juice instead of water to further
enhance the taste of papaya.

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