Sunday 13 October 2013


As in any other style of cooking, Chinese food is a symbol of life and good health, forming a central part of family and social activity for many people. Through cooking, ones demonstrate personal inventiveness and creativity, as well as one’s cultural background, so cooking can always be seen as a pleasurable activity.
In Chinese cooking the preparation is of great importance .many dishes require very fine chopping and shredding of the various ingredients and they are combined in a orderly manner. Those ingredients which are not easily available in the western world can be substituted by others in the recipes. It is not necessary to use only Chinese utensils as these dishes can easily be prepared using basic kitchen equipment.    
The main cooking technique used to produce good Chinese food is stir –frying. A wok is ideal. But a deep non-stick pan will serve the purpose just as well. Stir frying requires good temperature control and this is easily learnet through practice. The wok or pan should be heated. Then the temperature reduced before adding oil. If the utensil is too hot the oil will burn, giving a charred, oily taste to the food, which may burn, too! The heat should be progressively raised for the addition of other ingredients. The whole process takes between five and seven minutes. Remember never over cook, as this will not only destroy the crispness of the food, but also its flavor and goodness.
 Chinese food incorporates six basic flavors, just like Indian food, they are sweet, sour, salty, spicy, pungent and hot. Their employment and respective proportions must be well balanced. Flavoring is always supplemented by ready –prepared sauces, the most essential of which is soya sauce .others commonly used are oyster and plum sauces.
 Finally garnishing should not be neglected, as presentation is every bit is important as preparation. After all, what appeal to the eye also appeals to the mind and thence to heart and stomach. a slice of cleverly carved carrot ,a thin sliver of tomato and carefully arranged parsley or coriendar,can add that all important dash of colour.
Cooking is always a pleasure, especially Chinese cooking. It is a challenge and a way to explore one’s creative talents. In any case, who does not want their efforts to be rewarded by the pleasure of an exquisite meal?
Finally, let me wish you many hours of sheer enjoyment in the exciting world of Chinese cuisine and, above all, the enjoyment of these gratifying meals.

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