Monday 9 September 2013


Here is an alphabet hit list of a different kind-of vegetables and what they contain. Ensure you eat  a healthy mix and all will be well.

Artichoke: vitamin C, thiamine, dietry fibre, calcium, phosphorous, niacin and potassium.
Asparagus: vitamin C, dietary fiber group vitamins, , thiamine and riboflavin, potassium and iron.
Avocados: vitamin C, potasium, and niacin (vitamin B3) Also rich in natural monounsaturated fats which help lower cholesterol.
Basil: Rich source of some antioxidants.
Beans: Vitamin C, iron, as well as dietary fiber.
Beet root: Dietary fiber and small quantities of other minerals and vitamins.
Bokchoy: Vitamin C and A and folate.
Brocco flower: Vitamin C, folate
Cabbage: Vitamin C, dietary fiber and potacium, red cabbage has almost twice the dietary fiber of regular cabbage.
Capsicum: high in vitamin C (red capsicum contain the Most) A good source of dietary fiber .red capsicums are rich in vitamin A. all varieties are low in kilojoules.
 Carrots: Vitamin A, dietary fiber
CAULIFLOWER: Vitamin C, dietary fiber
Chili: Vitamin C
Chinese broccoli: vitamin c, good source of fiber, folate, vitamin A, potassium, calcium and iron.
Chives: flavonoids
Coriander: rich in volatile oils.
Corn: fiber, corn on the cob is a source of niacin, folate, vitamin c and magnesium.
 Chinese cabbage: Vitamin C, dietary fiber
Choko: Vitamin C, dietary fiber and small quantities of other vitamins and minerals.
Cucumber: small amount of dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins.
Dill: flavonoids which act as antioxidants
Egg plant: many vitamins and minerals as well as dietary fiber. It has no fat.
Endive: fiber, vitamin A and C, folate, potacium and iron.
Fennel: fiber, folate and vitamin C.
Garlic: consuming garlic regularly offers health benefits ranging from repairing certain types of cell damage caused by pollutants and chemical toxins to lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Leeks: Vitamin C, dietary fiber
Lettuce: potassium, carotene, dietary fiber
Okra: the mucilage which makes okra so sticky when cooked is the source of soluble dietary fiber. Also have vitamin C, niacin, folate, potassium and magnesium.
Onions: vitamin c, B3 and calcium.
Parsley: Iron and vitamin C and A.
Parsnips: Vitamin C, dietary fiber and folic acid.they contain some potassium,riboflavin,iron and naicin.
Peas: Vitamin C, dietary fiber,folic acid and thiamine ,peas are also a useful source of naicin iron,zinc and protein.
Potatoes:complex carbohydrates,vitamin C and dietary fiber and supply good amount o potassium ,magnesium,naicin and thiamine .their reputation for bieng fattening is quite undeserved .it’snot the potatoes that are at fault but the way they are cooked.
Pumpkin:rich source of carotene ,which is converted to vitamin A in the body.also has vitamin C,dietary fiber ,potasium and iron.
Radish :vitamin C.
Rhubarb:fiber and vitamin C,rhubarb is well recognized for its laxative effect(due to natural composition of anthraquinones)but interestingly,in small amount it is also reported to be anti-diarrhoe agent becauce of its tannin content.
Shallots:vitamins C,minerals and dietary fiber.
Siver beet:folate,fiber,vitamin c vitamin A and iron .also relatively high in sodium ,therefore to be considered carefully by those on a low-salt diet.
Snow peas:snow peas have about half the dietary fiber and iron of regular peas.they also contain protein and potassium ,and are an excellent source of vitamin C.
Spinach ; Iron,vitamin C and vitamin A ,low in sodium.
Squash: Vitamin C, dietary fiber
Sweet corn:dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates.A good source of iron.
Swede;vitamin C and fiber .it’s similar in texture to turnip.
Sweet potato:orange-skin variety are an excelent source of vitamin C naicin and potassium.
Taro:magnesium ,vitamin C iron and potassium.
Turnips: Vitamin C, dietary fiber
Water cress:vitamin C ,vitamin A and potassium.
Zucchini:vitamin C ,dietary fiber

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